目前分類:How to Take Care Babies? (20)

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Candice & Ashley 的爸拔, 媽麻和阿公去掃墓


本來要上樓的 Ashley 一聽說要視訊, 坐在沙發上等待

害羞中 ~ 

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(上) 2012 大年初一   (下) 2013 大年初一


穿紫色衣服的小 bb 怎麼變那麼大隻?!


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中秋節前夕, Zu Egg 和麻媽到 Candice 家裡烤肉


Candice 一早自己下樓, 站在房門外看

Zu Egg 麻媽揮手叫 Candice 進房

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除夕的下午, 長大獨立的 Candice 自己到姑姑房間野餐


Candice: 弟弟變妹妹了

弟弟在變魔術嗎? 變來變去

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Zu Egg 週末最愛做的事 -- 找榕榕 (Candice)

這天 Candice 背著海棉寶寶包,Zu Egg 背著派大星包

Candice: 我們一起去上學好不好?

Zu Egg 也跟著開心地跑去

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今天一進 msn,Zu Egg 和 Candice 同時想要視訊
被 Zu Egg 截足先登了

Zu Egg 麻媽:看!牙牙
Zu Egg: MoMo (膜莫)

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Zu Egg: 球滾到沙發下了  (Zu Egg 指得太高了吧)


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Zu Egg: 菜怎麼還不上
Candice 很乖地認真喝水水

Zu Egg真是 party 咖,參加 party 就很 high

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May 10, Mother's Day.
What did Zu Egg and Candice do on May 10 last year?

Zu Egg: Why do you put sesame oil on my hair?

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Hello!! Look at the camera.

Zu Egg: Hi!                                   Candice: Ah~

Candice: Look! A pink pig.

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20090411 (11th month) Zu Egg v.s. 20090415 (10th month) Candice

It was a coincidence that Zu Egg and Candice have the same shoes.

20080430 (the 11st day) Zu Egg  v.s.  20080707 (the 38th day) Candice

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Candice: Ball game. Who will catch the balls first?

Candice: I'm coming.

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Candice's MaMa: Did you share your toys with Zu Egg?
Zu Egg (peeking): Is anything interesting on the table?

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Candice: Hello, welcome to my home!!

Zu Egg: Why is your MaMa so busy?
Candice: Umh ... Not ... my fault. I think so.

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Candice was smiling sinisterly. (奸笑)
Zu Egg was pouting.

Zu Egg liked to rub two toys, and she could hold toys well.

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Zu Egg and Candice have very different personalities.
Zu Egg likes watching, while Candice like acting.

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收涎 (做四月日)


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除了, 可以增進小嬰兒的視力外 ,更可以激發小腦袋瓜的潛能
所以, 如果在一歲以前沒有給 babe 足夠的刺激

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