Villa del Sol Sweet Cherry Farms
6989 Elizabeth Lake Rd., Leona Valley, CA 93551
Tel: 661-270-1356
Villa del Sol Sweet Cherry Farms
6989 Elizabeth Lake Rd., Leona Valley, CA 93551
Tel: 661-270-1356
Julian (胡利安) 是一個位於聖地牙哥的美麗小城, 人口只有一千六百人, 是早期的金礦城, 在大堆人在發淘金夢時, 一位有先見的人, 帶著一馬車的蘋果樹苗, 種在 Julian 周圍的小山坡上。果然, 100 年之後, 淘金夢醒, 大家也都開始種蘋果樹了。
佛光山西來寺位於美國加州洛杉磯哈仙達崗 (Hacienda Heights) 南邊的山坡地上, 取名「西來寺」, 乃取「佛法西來」之義
3456 S. Glenmark Dr. Hacienda Heights, CA 91745 U.S.A
When: April 14, 2012 5 pm ~ 11:30 pm
Where: 1. N. Oakland Ave., Pasadena, CA 91101
between Colorado Boulevard and E. Union Street
Santa Anita Canyon Rd, Sierra Madre, CA 91025
Across the street of El Pueblo is Union Street.
I was so surprised at the decoration of Union Station ... much better than LAX International Airport.
Several weeks before Halloween, Joan told me one of her teachers lived in a Victorian-style house. Most buildings near by are historic cultural monuments and the area is one of LA must-see places. On Halloween, the residents there decorate their houses and give children candies.
20100911 Roger's Garden- Halloween
From September 3, 9:00 am ~ 6:00 pm
Atlantis Play Center
13630 Atlantis Way, Garden Grove, CA 92844
Adults are not allowed without kids, and kids are not allowed without adults, so it's the perfect chance for a little together time.
left to right:
Zinfandel (CA's famous beringer) 07' red wine,
France Cuvee (sweet & sour mix),
Mexican artist, Ricardo Arroyo Breceda has been commissioned to create “Sky Art” for Galleta Meadows (脊椎動物) vertebrates of the past which inhabited the Anza-Borrego region during the Pliocene-Pleistocene and Miocene eras.
Those silicon-welded animals are placed on the roadsides.