Uptown 上城區
(ⓜ : subway)
Lincoln Center 林肯中心
Address: Columbus Ave. bet. 62nd & 65th Sts.
Website: http://www.lincolncenter.org/
How to go: ⓜ Line 1, 9 to <66St. Lincoln Center> station
林肯中心所在地是音樂劇 West Side Story (西城故事) 所發生的舞台。
↑ Metropolitan Opera House 大都會歌劇院
The right side of Metropolitan Opera House is Avery Fisher Hall, home of the New York Philharmonic.
↓ Avery Fisher Hall (艾佛利‧費雪廳)
The left side of Metropolitan Opera House is the New York State Theater, home of the New York City Opera and New York City Ballet.
↓ The New York State Opera (紐約州劇院)
American Museum of Natural History 美國自然歷史博物館
Address: Central Park W. at 79th St.
Website: http://www.amnh.org/
Time: 10:00 am ~ 5:45 pm (~ 8:45 on Friday)
Fee: US$ 10
(每天 10:15 am ~ 3:00 pm 之間提供 6次之免費導覽)
How to go: ⓜ Line B, C to <81 St. - Museum of Natural History> station
The American Museum of Natural History (AMNH) is a landmark on the Upper West Side, Manhattan, New York. The museum has a scientific staff of more than 200, and sponsors over 100 special field expeditions each year.
Besides the Barosaurus (重型龍)↑, there are fossils of all kinds of animals, aerolites(隕石) and stones.
The museum also shows the life and histories of many peoples in the world.
However, why I was attracted was that I believed the museum was the site of the movie "Night at the Museum" (博物館驚魂夜).
Don't you think so?
Metropolitan Museum of Art 大都會博物館
Address: 5th. Ave. & 82nd St.
Website: http://www.metmuseum.org/
Time: 9:30 am ~ 5:30 pm (~ 9:00 pm on Friday and Saturday)
(Closed Mondy)
Fee: Adult: US$20, Student: US$10
How to go: ⓜ Line 4, 5, 6 to <86 St.> station
One of the world's largest and most important art museum.
↑↓ Oceania
I always am curious that what are the Chinese arts that the museums exhibit.
↑↓ Soochow garden.
Natasha said she always thinks of the movie "雙瞳" when she sees a Chinese garden in a museum.
When I recalled the Metropolitan Museum of Art, I remembered I had taken some pictures of "The Gate to Paradise".
But now I can't find them ...
In addition, the ticket of the museum is special.
Take a look at YY's blue stuff. It is the ticket.
What else need to go in Uptwon?
Guggenheim Museum 古根漢美術館
Address: 1071 5th Ave. at 89th St.
Website: http://www.guggenheim.org/
How to go: ⓜ Line 4, 5, 6 to <86 St.> station
Whitney Museum of American Art 惠特尼美術館
Address: 945 Madison Ave. at 75th St.
Website: http://www.whitney.org/
How to go: ⓜ Line 6 to <77 St.> station
Temple Emanu-EL 艾曼努‧愛爾教堂
Address: 5th Ave. & 65th St.
Website: http://www.emanuelnyc.org/
How to go: ⓜ Line 6 to <68 St.-Hunter College> station
建於 1929 年,是世界最大猶太教堂。最大特色在義大利羅曼式風格的設計。進入教堂,可見到畫有猶太象徵 -- 大衛之星的彩繪玻璃、安置舊約摩西五書的約櫃。
- Jan 20 Sun 2008 17:49
20080101~05 New York - Uptown