Night Train Express

ALC. 17.5% BY VOL.

Night Train Limited 1989

Citrus (柑橘類) wine & Natural flavors

Vinted & Bottle 

ed by Night Train Limited, Modesto, CA

Contains Sulfites (亞硫酸鹽) --> 美國的標示就是清楚到不知應不應該買


Night Train Express (usually abbreviated to Night Train) typically contains 17.5% alcohol by volume. Night Train Express has been condemned by some civic leaders who think inexpensive high alcohol content drinks contribute to vagrancy and public drunkenness. Night Train no longer carries the Gallo logo or other indication of this source. It is also the origin of the Guns N' Roses song "Nightrain".

<from WikiPedia>

名字起於 Guns N' Ross 的歌 Nightrain

我是不知這個起源啦, 只是因為在便利商店看到名字而想試試

17.5% ... 相較於啤酒的 5%, 真的算頗高的


Nightrain by Guns N' Roses on Youtube


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