目前分類:USA (12)

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Day 1: In&Out 迎賓餐


Day 2 ~ 4: 拉斯維加斯

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The oldest opera in the U.S. in 44th street. ↓

Because of the special price ($60), we watched the famous opera "The Phantom of Opera."

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Between 34th Street and 59th Street, 5th Ave. is one of the premier shopping streets in the world.

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Midtown 中城區

Grand Central Station 中央車站
Address: 42nd St. bet. Lexington & Park Ave.

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Midtown 中城區

Empire State Building 帝國大廈
Address: 350 5th Ave. at 34th St.

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Still in Uptown.

Dakota Apartment 達科塔公寓
Address: Central Park W. at 72nd St.
How to go: ⓜ Line B, C to <72 St.> station

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Uptown 上城區

(ⓜ : subway)

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Counting down in Times Square is one of my dreams.
However, we finally did not count down in Times Square as I expected.
When we arrived, it was 8:00 p.m.
We could only reach the hotel, on 54th street, between 7th and 8th Ave.  

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Museum of Fine Arts Boston  波士頓美術館

Kate would not be home until afternoon so I decided to visit a museum.
First, I have too many stops needed to visit. 
Second, I did not want to wait without doing anything from 9:00 am.

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The 10:45 p.m. flight to Boston did not take off until 00:30 a.m.

↑  Good night, LA.

bonnie989 發表在 痞客邦 留言(1) 人氣()

I had two Christmas parties this year.
The first party was the brunch (breakfast + lunch) in the house of Home-ma's niece.
After brunch, they exchanged Christmas gifts. Most of the gifts are for kids. 
I felt a little sorrowful ... but I am not their real family.

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Home-ma likes holidays and parties.
Although she always says she is tired after parties, I think she enjoys parties a lot.
The difference this time was that I volunteered to help her to prepare for the party.

All our house is full of Christmas decoration.

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