目前分類:Murmur (50)

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2012/02/27 週五下班路上

我正要從 Freeway 605 換二個車道到 Freeway 60

往右看後方來車再回頭時, 前面的車流停住

刹車不及, 我就撞上了前面的車



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2012 年 1月底, 我終於搬離了這個住了二年三個月的小房間


這家人把 L 型的房子隔成二間, 車後方就是我住的獨立空間

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Part of Freeway 60 was closed from 12/14 to 12/17.

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When you cook soup or source, you don't need to stand for minutes or hours. It will stir automatically.



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2011/09/18 Sunday


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2011/08/10 ... I have been in the USA for four years.

Two Cute ABC Nieces

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回家的路上, 突然感覺到車子方向盤歪歪的


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2011/02/22 Tuesday

決定要將過腰的長髮剪掉, 捐給癌症患者做假髮

問題一, 過腰的長髮要看日子剪?

韋恩美髮學院有一些整理: 長髮過腰, 剪髮看時辰

寧可信其有, 尤其又有很多人告訴我這件事後

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Chinese New Year Eve Dinner- Seafood Village Restaurant

2011/02/03 Chinese New Year -- Year of the Rabbit

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Meow can Bark Group

2010年最親近, 最要感謝的應該就是這個 Group 的人

這個 Group 最主要的其實就是二個人

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I got a following e-mail.  

xxx Evaluation Inc is a company that conducts surveys and evaluates other companies. We get hired to go to other peoples companies and act like customer in order to know how the staff is handling their services in relation to their customers.

Once we have a contract to do, you would be directed to the company or firm,

and you would be given the funds you need to do the job (either purchase things or require services), after which you would write a comment on the staffs activities and give a detailed record of your experience.

Examples of details you would forward to us are:

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Birthday girl -- Alyssa.

We saw the sleeping fat cat on our way to the restaurant.

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This is my 4th room in the U.S.

My room is under base first floor (B1).
Entering the room, you can see clockwise ...

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Cool decoration from Pet Society

From Kurbee Faris

From Kurbee Faris

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This is my favorite game of facebook because I take care of it every day, not every hour and you can decorate your pet's house and change pet's dress.


Every week, they add different stuff for sale.

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Walking is the only exercise I like.

The most important -- comfortable slippers.
Slippers -- Californians must have.

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  • Jul 31 Fri 2009 16:00
  • Moving

I moved out from the Luckett on May 31.
Trish gave me a big hug ...
I would leave from a nice family and the beautiful house.

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This was the first checkbook I would choose.

I chose this one at first.

Then this. I like map maybe because I like traveling.

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Andy's birthday is June 14.
One day before his four-year-old birthday, he sang birthday song to himself.
Therefore, his parents decided to have a birthday party.

They rented this toy (I forgot the name).

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