Active Candice got hurt. 

Panda Candice.

But she was still active.

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Candice: Creep ...

Candice: Walking is more interesting.

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Candice: I can't play the piano.

Candice: Hello, puppy.

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Hello!! Look at the camera.

Zu Egg: Hi!                                   Candice: Ah~

Candice: Look! A pink pig.

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20090411 (11th month) Zu Egg v.s. 20090415 (10th month) Candice

It was a coincidence that Zu Egg and Candice have the same shoes.

20080430 (the 11st day) Zu Egg  v.s.  20080707 (the 38th day) Candice

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Zu Egg is already one year old ...

She got an infant walker. 


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Candice's grand-pa bought an infant walker to Candice.

Candice: What's this? (Very upset.)

Candice yelled: I don't need this. I can walk by myself.

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Candice: Don't call me a boy. I am a pretty girl.

(Candice: I am just active.)
Don't touch that!

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Zu Egg's microphone was gone, but she found a same one during 抓週.
She was so happy.
Zu Egg: Why is my microphone here?


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Active Candice does not stop acting as sleeping.

Candice: Hungry ~

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Candice's third creep race.

Candice: Grandpa, grandma ...

Grand-parents: That way ~

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If you are interested in the end of the world or in aliens (外星人), you might like this movie, Knowing.

In 1959, to celegrate a new elementary school's open, a competition was held among the students.

The contest winner was a girl named Lucinda Embry, who suggested burying a time capsule (時空膠囊) containing the students' drawings of the future to be opened 50 years later.

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Home-ma, Trish grew up in Newport beach.

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Candice never stops learning new things.

Candice creeps very quickly and mimic others using cup.

Candice: I am cleaning my house.

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Candice visited Auntie Claire in HsinChu.

Candice: I am good Candice. I don't climb on the bed without Auntie and PaPa's permit.

Candice: Are you ready?

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