Midtown 中城區
Grand Central Station 中央車站
Address: 42nd St. bet. Lexington & Park Ave.
Website: http://grandcentralterminal.com/
How to go: ⓜ Line 4, 5, 6, 7, S to <42 St.-Grand Central> station
↑ Outside the station, the clock in front of the Grand Central facade facing 42nd Street contains the world's largest example of Tiffany glass and is surrounded by sculptures.
↑ Decorated astronomical ceiling.
↑ Information booth.
Rockefeller Center 洛克斐勒中心
Address: 48th - 51nd St.
Website: http://www.rockefellercenter.com/home.html
How to go: ⓜ Line B, D, F, V to <47-50 Sts.- Rockefeller Central> station
Rockefeller Center is a complex of 19 commercial buildings coverting 22 acres between 48th and 51th Streets. Built by Rockefeller family spanning between Fifth Avenue and Seventh Avenue. It is the largest privately held complex of its kind in the world, and an international symbol of modernist architectural style blended with capitalism.
↑ Prometheus and Christmas tree in front of GE building.
(Prometheus: A God in Greek Mythology - A Titan who stole fire from Olympus and gave it to humankind, for which Zeus chained him to a rock and sent an eagle to eat his liver, which grew back daily.)
Lower Plaza of Rockefeller Center is the skating rink every winter.
MoMA - The Museum of Modern Art
Address: 11 West 53 Street, bet. 5th and 6th Ave.
Website: http://www.un.org/cyberschoolbus/untour/subunh.htm
How to go: ⓜ Line E, V to <5th Ave./53 St.> station;
ⓜ Line B, D, F to <47-50 St.- Rockefeller Center> station
Where else need to go in Midtown?
United Nations Headquarter 聯合國總部
Address: 1st Ave. & 46th St.
Website: http://www.un.org/cyberschoolbus/untour/subunh.htm
How to go: ⓜ Line 4, 5, 6, 7, S to <42 St.- Grand Central> station